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Spain (ES), Unlocode: ESVGO
  • 11.64° C
  • UTC +2
  • 2.99 Knots
  • 93%
  • Latitude / Longitude 42.24º, -8.72º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 03:47
  • Scheduled Arrivals 20
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction N/NE (30º)
  • Wind Speed 2.99 Knots
  • Temperature 11.64 ºC

VIGO is situated in Galicia, Spain at coordinates 42.24º, -8.72º in the UK Coast & Atlantic region. This port’s official UN/Locode is ESVGO. General Cargo (76.79%), Tankers (5.91%) and Passenger Ships (17.3%), are the vessel types that commonly call at VIGO. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering VIGO is 507 meters. The maximum draught is 19.8 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 255,271t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance
ALEXANDER B 9328649 Cargo 18,550 MTs 0.56 NM
CMA CGM SINNAMARY 9845673 Cargo 26,827 MTs 0.69 NM
EVI 9396634 Cargo 17,350 MTs 0.85 NM
FRIEDRICH RUSS 9186417 Cargo 7,291 MTs 0.86 NM

Ports Near VIGO

Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
MOANA Spain ESMOA 42.27º, -8.74º
CANGAS Spain ESRAN 42.26º, -8.78º
DOMAYO Spain ESDOY 42.28º, -8.68º
DARBO Spain ESDRB 42.25º, -8.79º
SANGUINEDA Spain ESSP4 42.18º, -8.63º