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Portugal (PT), Unlocode: PTLIS
  • 14.61° C
  • UTC +1
  • 9.99 Knots
  • 77%
  • Latitude / Longitude 38.70º, -9.15º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 02:46
  • Scheduled Arrivals 22
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction NW (310º)
  • Wind Speed 9.99 Knots
  • Temperature 14.61 ºC

LISBOA is situated in Lisbon, Portugal at coordinates 38.70º, -9.15º in the UK Coast & Atlantic region. This port’s official UN/Locode is PTLIS. General Cargo (62.97%), Tankers (14.32%) and Passenger Ships (22.7%), are the vessel types that commonly call at LISBOA. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering LISBOA is 345 meters. The maximum draught is 17.17 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 158,958t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance
WILSON CLYDE 9178458 Cargo 4,440 MTs 0.25 NM
ICS TRITON 9195896 Cargo 5,004 MTs 0.30 NM
SAO JORGE 303174162 Passenger 0 MTs 0.34 NM
ANNABA 9306201 Cargo 20,615 MTs 0.68 NM
JORGE DE SENA 0 Passenger 0 MTs 0.91 NM

Ports Near LISBOA

Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
ALMADA Portugal PTALM 38.68º, -9.15º
COVA DA PIEDADE Portugal PTCVP 38.67º, -9.15º
BANATICA Portugal PTBAN 38.67º, -9.20º
ALGES Portugal PTAGS 38.70º, -9.23º
TRAFARIA Portugal PTTRF 38.68º, -9.23º