- Latitude / Longitude 29.53º, -95.12º
- Local Time May 23, 2024 21:21
- Scheduled Arrivals 0
- Wind Direction E (89º)
- Wind Speed 7.81 Knots
- Temperature 27.78 ºC
WEBSTER, HARRIS is situated in United States of America (the) at coordinates 29.53º, -95.12º in the region. This port’s official UN/Locode is USAFW.
Vessel name | IMO | Type | Flag | DWT | Distance |
Port name | Country | Unlocode | Latitude / Longitude |
BAL HARBOR | USA | USHKA | 29.56º, -95.07º |
SOUTH SHORE HARBOUR | USA | USZLT | 29.55º, -95.07º |
SEABROOK | USA | USSBJ | 29.55º, -95.03º |
LAKEWOOD YACHT CLUB | USA | USLJK | 29.56º, -95.03º |
KEMAH | USA | USKEM | 29.55º, -95.02º |