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Spain (ES), Unlocode: ESSAG
  • 17.57° C
  • UTC +2
  • 6.86 Knots
  • 87%
  • Latitude / Longitude 39.65º, -0.21º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 04:26
  • Scheduled Arrivals 10
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction N (7º)
  • Wind Speed 6.86 Knots
  • Temperature 17.57 ºC

SAGUNTO is situated in Valencian Community, Spain at coordinates 39.65º, -0.21º in the West Mediterranean region. This port’s official UN/Locode is ESSAG. General Cargo (86.93%), Tankers (10.05%) and Passenger Ships (3.02%), are the vessel types that commonly call at SAGUNTO. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering SAGUNTO is 300 meters. The maximum draught is 14.518 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 95,428t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance
BRENS 9352341 Cargo 7,763 MTs 0.21 NM
EQUITY 9577628 Cargo 37,071 MTs 0.30 NM
OLD WINE 8300951 Tanker 3,162 MTs 0.42 NM
ECO ADRIATICA 9859600 Passenger 18,121 MTs 0.77 NM
GRANDE EUROPA 9138381 Cargo 19,500 MTs 0.85 NM

Ports Near SAGUNTO

Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
PUERTO DE SAGUNTO Spain ESPDS 39.65º, -0.22º
SILES Spain ESCDW 39.67º, -0.20º
FOIOS Spain ESFOS 39.53º, -0.35º
SERRA Spain ESSER 39.68º, -0.43º
VALENCIA Spain ESVLC 39.44º, -0.32º