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Japan (JP), Unlocode: JPNGO
  • 29.53° C
  • UTC +9
  • 7.04 Knots
  • 48%
  • Latitude / Longitude 35.05º, 136.84º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 11:35
  • Scheduled Arrivals 130
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction W (280º)
  • Wind Speed 7.04 Knots
  • Temperature 29.53 ºC

NAGOYA is situated in Aichi, Japan at coordinates 35.05º, 136.84º in the Japan Coast region. This port’s official UN/Locode is JPNGO. General Cargo (74.12%), Tankers (24.6%) and Passenger Ships (1.28%), are the vessel types that commonly call at NAGOYA. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering NAGOYA is 339 meters. The maximum draught is 22.525 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 332,680t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance
ORIENTAL IRIS 9167796 Cargo 10,936 MTs 0.39 NM
ASAHIMARU NO.8 9864069 Cargo 4,250 MTs 0.45 NM
ODIN HIGHWAY 9948152 Cargo 19,222 MTs 0.55 NM
SEIJU 9999785 Cargo 0 MTs 0.79 NM
GRAND CHAMPION 9340570 Cargo 18,107 MTs 0.86 NM

Ports Near NAGOYA

Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
TOKAI Japan JPTKA 35.03º, 136.87º
CHITA Japan JPCTA 34.99º, 136.84º
YOKKAICHI Japan JPYKK 34.96º, 136.66º
TOKONAME Japan JPTXN 34.87º, 136.83º
INAZAWA Japan JPIZW 35.25º, 136.78º