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Spain (ES), Unlocode: ESLPA
  • 20.08° C
  • UTC +1
  • 10.52 Knots
  • 81%
  • Latitude / Longitude 28.14º, -15.42º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 02:54
  • Scheduled Arrivals 64
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction N/NW (347º)
  • Wind Speed 10.52 Knots
  • Temperature 20.08 ºC

LAS PALMAS is situated in Islas Canarias, Spain at coordinates 28.14º, -15.42º in the West Africa region. This port’s official UN/Locode is ESLPA. General Cargo (68.33%), Tankers (26.06%) and Passenger Ships (5.61%), are the vessel types that commonly call at LAS PALMAS. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering LAS PALMAS is 727 meters. The maximum draught is 22.59 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 323,182t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance
DUBREKA 8028424 Cargo 3,346 MTs 0.16 NM
PANAMA 100 9536480 Tanker 7,022 MTs 0.30 NM
RANGIROA 8210259 Cargo 3,945 MTs 0.35 NM
AL NASR 8604010 Cargo 2,261 MTs 0.83 NM
NEMESIS I 8971425 Passenger 0 MTs 0.90 NM


Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
SAN CRISTOBAL Spain ESSCK 28.10º, -15.42º
TALIARTE Spain ESTAN 27.99º, -15.37º
PUERTO DE SALINETAS Spain ESSAT 27.97º, -15.38º
LA SALINETA Spain ESSNA 27.97º, -15.37º
EL GORO Spain ESERU 27.95º, -15.38º