- Latitude / Longitude 1.28º, 103.73º
- Local Time May 24, 2024 10:11
- Scheduled Arrivals 2
- Port Usage
- Wind Direction N/NE (27º)
- Wind Speed 5.62 Knots
- Temperature 26.3 ºC
JURONG/SINGAPORE is situated in Singapore at coordinates 1.28º, 103.73º in the region. This port’s official UN/Locode is SGJUR. General Cargo (63.75%), Tankers (15%) and Passenger Ships (21.25%), are the vessel types that commonly call at JURONG/SINGAPORE. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering JURONG/SINGAPORE is 333 meters. The maximum draught is 22.524 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 321,300t.
Vessel name | IMO | Type | Flag | DWT | Distance |
KIMTEK 1 | 9450210 | Tanker | 6,200 MTs | 0.29 NM | |
BOWMORE | 9858797 | Tanker | 34,752 MTs | 0.37 NM | |
CAPELLA | 9809057 | Tanker | 11,999 MTs | 0.48 NM | |
ANAEL | 9360427 | Tanker | 40,020 MTs | 0.65 NM | |
STOLT INTEGRITY | 9680097 | Tanker | 38,853 MTs | 0.78 NM |
Port name | Country | Unlocode | Latitude / Longitude |
PULAU AYER CHAWAN | Singapore | SGAYC | 1.27º, 103.70º |
SINGAPORE | Singapore | SGSIN | 1.26º, 103.75º |
PASIR PANJANG TERMINAL | Singapore | SGPPT | 1.28º, 103.77º |
PASIR PANJANG WHARVES | Singapore | SGPAP | 1.28º, 103.78º |
PULAU BUKOM | Singapore | SGPUB | 1.23º, 103.77º |