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Spain (ES), Unlocode: ESCBL
  • 17.43° C
  • UTC +2
  • 2.99 Knots
  • 82%
  • Latitude / Longitude 41.06º, 1.06º
  • Local Time May 24, 2024 04:26
  • Scheduled Arrivals 0
  • Port Usage
  • Wind Direction N/NE (20º)
  • Wind Speed 2.99 Knots
  • Temperature 17.43 ºC

CAMBRILS is situated in Catalunya, Spain at coordinates 41.06º, 1.06º in the West Mediterranean region. This port’s official UN/Locode is ESCBL. General Cargo (0%), Tankers (0%) and Passenger Ships (100%), are the vessel types that commonly call at CAMBRILS. The recorded maximum length of the vessel’s entering CAMBRILS is 117 meters. The maximum draught is 5.501 meters. The maximum deadweight has been 780t.

Vessel name IMO Type Flag DWT Distance


Port name Country Unlocode Latitude / Longitude
SALOU Spain ESSLO 41.07º, 1.13º
RIUDECANYES Spain ESCAQ 41.12º, 0.95º
TARRAGONA Spain ESTAR 41.10º, 1.22º
LA SELVA DEL CAMP Spain ESTT2 41.20º, 1.13º
TORREDEMBARRA Spain ESTRR 41.13º, 1.40º