MMSI | 219000643 |
IMO | 9191383 |
Call Sign | OZRL |
Vessel type/ Sub type | Passenger / Vehicle Passenger |
Gross Tonnage | 324 MTs |
Deadweight | 110 MTs |
Length | 30 m |
Year built | 1999 |
Built at (Shipyard) | - |
Management Information
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What's the identification number for AAROE?
What is the type and subtype of the ship?
Where is the ship?
What are the dimensions and carrying capacity of the ship?
What is the ship's destination, and when is its estimated arrival time?
Which flag does the ship sail under, and what's its call sign?
Vessel Certificates
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LoginCode | Nature | Issued RO | Surveyed RO | Date of issue | Date of expire |
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